Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How's Emma healing up?

See for yourself... I'm mighty pleased!  Today is day 9 post-op...



Sweet girl holding her chest as she sleeps... if only she'd leave the OXYGEN on...

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The bruising around her neck and the top of her incision are the worst 'to the eye' still.  She's still not rolling over so I'm sure the healing process is going to take some time longer for Miss Emma still.  She sure is a trooper though!!


  1. Emma your beautiful angel, God bless her ~ Regards from California

  2. Oh bless her sweet little self, she is doing so well. I am so happy to see her healing so quickly. I am sure rolling over hurts a lot after your sternum is split open (oh, it hurts just to write it)Prayers continue for her and all of you.


  3. Bless her heart! Her little hands over her heart is darling! For having her chest split, the incision looks quite good and healing well! Praise the Lord!

  4. Awww, she looks likes she is holding her "fixed" little heart. How precious!!
