Friday, June 20, 2008

We have a HEART surgery date!

August 14th, 2008 will be a big day for lil' Miss! Emma is having her heart fixed!!! It's a bit later than we were hoping for but when you've got a great surgeon and he's booked up, you WAIT. We are so excited to have a date on the calendar to know when we'll be doing that for her to be able to see the "other side" of that date!

Unfortunately, this is going to mess with school, etc. for K and E because school starts around that time. Also, it means Emma won't be able to start school until mid-October (I know, technically she could go back earlier, but MOMMA says no school 8 weeks post-op. That was what we did for Brianna with nursery, so it only makes sense that she not go to school until she's outside of the risk period.)

One last thing- the MRI of her brain is the only thing that might have them call off the heart surgery. PLEASE pray tht it comes back clear!! We won't hear anything on that front for a week or two since her surgery is so far out. I don't think they're going to 'hurry up' with it since she's not an immediate surgery now.

Thanks for those that asked about Micah. He's doing MUCH better! His runny nose has all-but stopped (just a little run not 10 boxes of tissues/day) so he's all clear to stay and play. Kristopher complained of a sore throat last night but then has been fine today, so who knows.

Emma's much more comfortable now, chewing on a bib rather than grinding her teeth, and hopefully will decide to nap soon. She's REALLY tired! Still no drinking...


  1. We're still praying that nothing but good news comes for Miss Emma!

  2. YOU have added value to LIFE´S EXPERIENCE. Ava´s grandfather

  3. Congratulations on a surgery date! I am glad she is doing better now. Also glad Micah is much better.'
    Give them all a kiss for me.

    Mom c

  4. Wow! Big news to have a date! Hope Emma can come home soon!!!!

  5. So glad to hear all the good news! Will pray she will begin to take in food and for the brain scan to come back clear. Thanks for doing such a good job keeping us up to date.

