Saturday, June 21, 2008

God delivered the mail today

On Wednesday I mailed Mom mailed a package to the Reed family (from me).  It included a letter and photos of our kiddos.  The letter was the one loosely translated into Ukrainian that I'd posted here.  And, um, a LOT of photos... So it was mailed on Wednesday and went to the address that I got from a third party because I couldn't find the e-mail she'd sent me that had her address on it.  Well, after I asked if she got the package she replied that no, she hadn't gotten it, had I sent it to XXX (city)?  No... I hadn't.  She just moved.  So there's no way that she was going to get it in time.  She should have gotten it the day before she left but forwarding takes a few days.  Instead I e-mailed the letter and 4 pictures to her and she offered to print that and take it with her.  She is so sweet!  So I mailed that on and she took the time out of her busy packing schedule (did I mention she has 12 kids? SERIOUSLY) and did that for me.  Well, God must have delivered the mail today!  She got my package!!  All 35 (or so) pictures are going to go to the orphanage director and caregivers that raised Emma and Micah until they came home with us!  So many changes are evident in those pictures such as Micah in 4 point, Emma and Micah sitting, E and M each with HUGE smiles on their faces, the kids in the pool, on a blanket in the sunny grass, and in swings smiling happily!  YAY!!!

Seems like such a little thing- a package in the mail- and yet God came through.  He must have pulled it to the top of the pile, I have no explanation of how it could have been forwarded even and made it to her before she left!  THANK YOU GOD!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't our God amazing! The orphanage workers are gonna love those pictures!!

    Hoping Emma has a better night and you all get some rest. Still praying.
