Sunday, January 11, 2009

I made it through the day

Complete with a 3am wake-up call to check on Micah, who otherwise slept through the night. I gave him a nebulizer treatment at 6:30 and 11 last night because he really sounded awful. I know kids are always worse sounding at night, but he refused all food after his bottle around noon and I'm sure you can guess that it is NOT like Micah to refuse food! He actually sounded pretty good when I checked on him overnight so I didn't wake him. His fever had been sitting around 100.9 yesterday and this morning he's back down to normal (he had Tylenol twice last night too...).

So, the kid who last night I thought might end up in the hospital ER today seems to be doing ok this morning and other than the green boogers I'd guess he was ok. He's already had a bottle at 6 and another half of a bottle a few minutes ago. His 18 food strike is officially up I believe :)

Unfortunately, Mike also woke up this morning and at 6am when Kristopher came in told me that he wasn't feeling well since last night either. I stayed up with Micah and put him in bed around midnight (he'd taken extra naps since he was sick) then finally got to go to sleep around 12:30. I don't even know when Mike came in so it had to have been after 1am. Last night after church he realized they needed to run another project before the service this morning. He got stuff set up while I ran to Wal Mart (thank goodness he can remote-connect from home!) then headed up there when I came back in the door at about 10pm.

I have to wonder if he's just completely and totally exhausted and that if a good day of sleep might do him some good to help him feel better. He starts his new classes tomorrow and Tuesday so he needs to get back on his feet today!

Sounds like the little ones have all finished breakfast. Here's to a nice relaxing day!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope everyone stays well for you and Mike too...I know that is not fun to have sick little ones
