Monday, September 08, 2008


"H-E-L-L, I love to spell!" This was the song Kristopher was singing when I picked him up from his private CHRISTIAN pre-k this afternoon. I was on the cell phone with Mike when I noticed what he was saying and told him that's not really a good song. He continued until I told him that what he was spelling was a bad word and he needed to figure out a different way to sing or not sing it at all. He kept telling me it's from Super Why, the tv show, but I have a hard time believing that he got the words right! Mike suggested maybe it's S-P-E-L-L instead of H-E-L-L but Kristopher's sure it's not. The song has been banned in our house until he can figure out what the real words are! LOL


  1. Oh my! I haven't heard the song, but it makes much more sense as
    s-p-e-l-l. I sure hope he wasn't singing that at school!

  2. LOL... ok but admit it, tonight, after Kristopher is in bed, you're going to think back on this and it's going to make you giggle, just a little bit, RIGHT?! :)

  3. I'm laughing!!! Kids are hilarious!!!

  4. We watch super why. It is S-P-E-L-L. But I like his's funny. (Unless of course it was my child singing it)


  5. That is pretty funny if you think about it, OK maybe if it were my kids singing it all over town I may not think it was sooo funny LOL

  6. I am rolling- we had to go to daycare and ask what the words were on a song with Callan one time. I assure you she was NOT saying it correctly.:)


  7. I have given you an award on my blog. Btw, I'm also a Brev Co homeschool mom. I got your blog through the NBHSA when you had a prayer request for Emma. Maybe one day we'll meet up.


  8. Hellarious! Sorry, I couldn't resist - what a great family story, probably one that's going to be told and retold for years to come.

    On the other hand, it's great that Kristopher is so interested in spelling - even if one of his words isn't exactly one you'd choose for a novice speller!

    Thanks for sharing...

    Susan in Ky

  9. I did something similar when I was his age. I still remember what ivory soap tastes like lol.

  10. Meredith - I have to admit, I am laughing out loud here :o) That is hilarious!
