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Every so often a family hits a snag in their adoption. Often times it's during the paperwork process and they can't continue on. Usually there are finances involved. Sometimes that is mixed with an unexpected blessing like a pregnancy. For the Newbold family, their story is a little different.
Not so long ago Heaven's doors opened to their sweet daughter, Chloe, and she left the pain and difficulty of the Leukemia she was fighting. Little Chloe was around 2 years old and had Down syndrome. She was an only child. Now her parents are fighting another fight- not one with illness, but one with the possible loss of another 2 year old daughter.
A few months ago the Newbolds went to complete their adoption of two sweet little ones with Down syndrome from Eastern Europe and their younger child, Dasha, was not yet registered for the right amount of time to complete her adoption. This turned her adoption from a "two at once" into two completely separate adoptions. FOUR trips to Ukraine. Thousands more in airfare. The light in all of this was that they were told by their facilitator that they would still only be charged the amount of money it would have cost if it had been done in one trip. What a blessing!
Unfortunately, their facilitator recently reevaluated and found that there was no way she could complete an adoption for that amount and even with an extra $2,000 she would just barely scrape by and would be working for free herself. Now the Newbolds are in Ukraine to get their sweet Dasha and their court date won't be held until after Jan 12th (because of the orthodox Christmas they celebrate in January). They are having to add yet ANOTHER trip to get her because they aren't comfortable leaving their other newly adopted child for that length of time to stay until then.
"That's Ukraine" is a common phrase of mine when explaining the adoption process to prospective parents and this case is not without that same knowledge that this isn't "so far out" considering it's Ukraine...
Now, the reason I write to you all is to let you know of the family, the need, and to petition your hearts that if you have a desire to help get little Dasha home to her parents you now have a means to do so. Click the button at the top of this post and it will bring you to their blog where you'll find their Paypal link as well as the info about their family.
This family already lost their first 2 yr old little girl and the feeling that they may lose their second just due to finances is daunting. PLEASE KEEP THIS FAMILY AND THEIR SITUATION IN PRAYER EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT IN A PLACE TO CONTRIBUTE FINANCIALLY RIGHT NOW. REMEMBER, THOUGH, THAT EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS.
Thanks, I don't come out with pleas for help very often. This one really needs it though.
Thank you for posting this! I just copied it and added it to my blog!