Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sasha/ Aleksa

What ever happened? Will she be released one day? Do you wonder what would have happened if...?

Yes, those are the questions. Yours, Mine, Ours. And I don't have any of the answers. I do know that God has worked miracles, and that we've seen more than our fair share in the past few months. One of them is sitting next to me right now chewing on her entire hand then taking it out and telling me a story about brr boo, and brhy. Then she's tooting up a storm and back to the fingers. Another is rolling around the family room grinning at his big brother while he's entertained by goofy faces and loud noises. And one more is waiting for her chance in an orphanage in Ukraine.

I do think of Sasha often and wonder about her, pray for her, and hope for her too. If you think of her, please continue to pray for her and her orphanage director. There's an awful lot of little girls in that orphanage that would be so blessed to be released into loving homes!

I heard from my friend Lu today and she gave me permission to share this montage that she made for Mike and I while we were still in Ukraine. It's all about trusting in His hand and letting go. The good part is that we know that God has her and we don't have to worry. I hope you enjoy this montage of pictures of us with Sasha-- our Aleksa.

And THANK YOU, Lu, for your kind heart.


  1. :( now I understand the questions from today. I love you guys, and I miss her too.

    Lu, if you read this? AMAZING. You have the heart of an angel yourself.

  2. I cannot remember when I cried this hard. What a beautiful slideshow. Your family inspires me beyond description. I read your blog every day. We are in the process of adopting Andrei from Moldova, and I have not heard any updates on him at all even though I keep asking our adoption agency. I am worried, because he is already far past the age of transfer at the age of six. All we can do is pray. Thanks for saring your lives in this blog.

  3. hi -

    i found your blog via another blog via another blog... you know how that goes.

    anyway, we have a sasha left behind too. we spent two years trying to complete his adoption, and he remains in siberia. he is truly the "son of my heart".

    i'm sorry for your loss. but i know you are so thankful that God gave you the privilege of meeting your sasha.

    i have a daughter emma too. your emma is beautiful.

    may you sense His perfect peace as you follow Him with each new day.
