Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daddy's coming home :)

What? Daddy was gone? Seriously you don't think that I'd post here beforehand that my husband, mother, father, mike's mom, his dad, and 90% of my friends are gone all weekend due to vacations or this big church retreat Mike's been working on for weeks...

It's been a long weekend! And... it's only Sunday morning. We've had a nice 2 days and today will be good too, but it's harder having no break up of time in the evening where I can say- Daddy's coming home soon, let's pick up. Or- Why don't we save that super fun super messy project for whan another set of hands gets here? Or- my favorite- I don't know what we're having for inner, Daddy's picking it up on the way home!

But still, I have had some company. A friend came over yesterday afternoon for a little while and we ventured out to Target and Wendy's for some reason to be out of the house. And before that my brother and sister in law came over for a few and M and E got to meet them.

All is well though because Mike will be packing up and heading home shortly and my short stint as a single mother will be over. None too soon either. I am amazed by those who have busy households and their husbands serve overseas in the military or they travel for weeks at a time for work. I suppose you get used to it but for me a weekend was enough!

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