Saturday, April 26, 2008

Babies babies everywhere (and a big boy too!!)

When getting ready this morning I decided a few pictures were in order... they always are ;)

What I really wanted was a pic or two of Micah and Emma that shows just how much they've filled out!  For reference, two "before" pictures (March 3rd):

Ukraine 023 Ukraine 058 scrawny

and LOTS of 7 weeks out :)  Emma's ribs are still prominent, but especially right in the center of her chest you can see where her stomach has filled in and it doesn't look like there's a huge gap between her ribs and her abdomen!  And who's that CHUNKY baby boy??

006  008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 023 024 026


  1. The pictures are so cute! The kids all look so much alike!

  2. Wow, they're doing so great!

  3. Look at all those yummy bellies!! I love baby bellies. What a difference, especially in Micah! Wow!!

  4. wow!! that's pretty darn cool :) love it!!


  5. Anybody besides me have the urge for belly raspberries??? Seriously, congrats on the weight gain for your two newest additions- it does my heart so much good to see these two sweetpeas at HOME. Thank you for doing what we wish we could and hope to one day!

    cathy and the crew

  6. I can't believe they all laid so nicely for the pics! Big difference since bringing them home.


  7. Oh my goodness! This post couldn't have any more cuteness in it!!!! It's oozing cuteness!!! And yep, what a difference a few weeks can make in every way for your two new babes! Congratulations!!! I am smiling big time over here!

  8. I just popped over from someone else's blog (I was looking at mother's day posts) I am so curious about adoptions. Thank you for sharing your story.

  9. LOL. Precious. How can you tell the difference?

  10. Ok, 1st of all wow, you managed to get amazing photos of all 4 of them. 2nd of all, LOOK at that chubba wubba boy! I love Micah. I just could eat him up. If you ever need extra income you can rent him to me for a week -I'll PAY you to babysit him! *LOL*


  11. oh my gosh!! those picture are adorable!! nothing like 4 cute lil belly buttons!!!

  12. I love all the pictures!! Yeah, he is a chunky monkey now!

  13. Wow! I love all the pictures! M and E have really filled out! I wish I could come over and spend a day at your house! It looks like ya'll are always having fun!

  14. I wish I could come over...oh wait I am! LOL SOON!!!! The kids have changed so much since you've been home!

  15. Wow, Look at those cute tummies!!! They look wonderful!

  16. I love all the pictures in the nappies! How you got 3 and 4 kids to stay fairly still for pictures I will never know, I can't get my two to not move.
