Sunday, April 13, 2008

The plan:

Dinner and a kids' movie (together, in the family room!)
bedtime for the kids when the movie is over
Mike can finish his paper and I can GO TO SLEEP

Think it'll work?

Oh, and I'm so glad to be home!! I sat with Brianna a few minutes and we snuggled, and K climbed on me a few... but Emma, oh Emma... I haven't left her except for maybe an hour with Mike or while she's sleeping since I got custody of her in early March... and now it was FOUR DAYS! I held her on the couch and she didn't really care what I was doing. She's starting to chew on a toy (yay!) and was interested in that. So I laid her back on the floor when I needed to do something then came back and just laid on my back on the floor. What do ya know? Roooooooooooooollll PLOP. She got RIGHT on me and got up on her arms and laid her head on my chest. Ok, I'm happy now :) She missed me :)

Tonight will be rotating snuggles and trying to keep all the kids separated :)


  1. Sounds like a wonderful plan. Enjoy!!

    Mom C

  2. Sounds like a good plan! That is so sweet that she missed her Mommma!

  3. So glad you're finally home and able to enjoy all of those extra special munchkins!

  4. So glad you're finally home and able to enjoy all of those extra special munchkins!

  5. I'm so happy you are home! I know how hard it is to leave your other kiddos! I have never spent so much time away from my other kids until miss Addy arrived! BTW I got Emma's link on my blog!

  6. ok, tissue alert next time? :) Im beaming here...the girl loves her mommy. :)

  7. Hope the dinner and movie worked with bedtime to follow. You have been one very busy momma!

    I am praying everyone gets healthy soon.
