Monday, November 29, 2010
Aleksa Faith Cornish! The newest member of our growing family!
(Yes, she wanted DOWN!)
Dear Aleksa,
Today the judge, two jurors, the prosecutor, the inspector, and the director all ‘seconded’ our petition to adopt you, making it unanimous approval and leading to a ruling that you will now be named Aleksa Faith Cornish… our daughter!
When we named you Aleksa Faith, in September of 2007, we had no idea the amount of Faith we’d be brought to through the journey to bring you home. We knew it was a faith journey to go over the ocean to a land where we didn’t speak or understand the language. We knew it would be a step of faith to finance it (the first time). We knew it would test our faith to be gone from our kids at home the 3 weeks (which was the original plan, in 2007) we thought it would take to get you home.
Now, 3 years after we began your adoption the first time, God has brought us to an entirely new level of faith! So far I’ve spent 12 weeks total in Ukraine over the last 3 years, and will have another 2 weeks or so still to go. We’ve flown the ocean 5 times and have 3 more passes to make. We’ve waited and worked to see God’s provision for not one adoption, but soon to be five children with special needs.
God has great plans for you, our Aleksa Faith! And we are honored and blessed to finally call you DAUGHTER!
Love, your Mommy and Daddy
Us with the two jurors, and the judge in the white sweater.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Mostly safe for the little ears
This morning we ventured back out to Hillsong church. We enjoyed the worship and were told that the head pastor would be speaking, so we asked for translation. A very nice young man (around our age I'm guessing, maybe a little younger) joined us and sat behind us to translate as the service went on. After the worship time when the preacher got up to speak and Sergei began translating... I realized that this service may be a little different than what we were really looking for. It started off with a rambling interlude and then.
"So, yes, today I'm going to preach about sex."
As those of you who have known me personally for any extent of time can know, my face likely flushed right then as I thought "I don't even want to sit in my own church and hear a sermon about sex, much less have this guy have to translate the entire service for us... this should be interesting..."
Believe it or not, after that brief introduction to the sermon and after naming it "in contact," he never again mentioned the word, the action, or really anything aside from the idea that a marriage relationship should always retain a spark and a connection in order to stay healthy. WHEW.
Now, I wonder whether we actually heard the sermon that the rest of the congregation heard, or whether we heard a version that includes the words that our young interpreter was willing to say to the benefit of us all :)
Ok, now the rest is safe (not that that wasn't really...) :)
After church we wandered through stores along that area of town where we really haven't spent a lot of time and found a food court area to have lunch. We walked around some more and then after a late lunch joined up with Melanie and her husband for supper tonight. They are adopting a little girl with Spina Bifida and have their SDA appointment tomorrow :).
After that we headed back 'home' and are hopefully headed to bed a little early tonight. Tomorrow at 9:30 our translator and a driver will be here to head to Aleksa's region for court!
PLEASE PRAY that we will find favor with the judge, that he/she will understand our heart, our love for her, and will not question the reality of our faith and our commitment to her. Also, please pray that she will give an IMMEDIATE RULING, meaning that we will have just one court appearance and then the 10 day appeals period. We would greatly prefer, if at all possible, not to have to have a 2nd court. IF it's inevitable, we pray it can be Tues or Wed so that we can continue "on track" and have court Thursday for Wesley and fly home Friday.
Tomorrow, God willing, we will be able to announce that we are the parents of 7! This little girl we have waited 3 years for, the daughter of our hearts will then be a daughter by name and soon, very soon, in presence as well when we bring her home!
Until then...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
PPS (answers to questions)
Another good tip- pack at least one change of clothes (including pants, shirt, underwear, undershirt, shirt, socks) in your carry on. Put it in a large ziplock bag. Use Zip bags to pack anything that comes in more than one's, they're helpful to find something at the bottom of the bag and only have to pull out zip bags rather than all kinds of assorted stuff :)
Dear Chris (travel and packing tips)
So... on to the practical. Right now, my Florida friend, it is 0 degrees (c). That's 32 in the USA ;). COLD. Freezing actually, and there's a good possibility of snow today. For the most part, up until now, we've had unseasonably WARM weather! Now, it's BUNDLE UP or FREEZE. We do a LOT of walking, and once we have the kids with us, it will be mostly walking and taxi's since the metro and buses are harder to navigate with strollers in tow. So, be prepared to dress warm, and in some layers so you can survive without melting or suffocating when we go into the 75 degree government buildings. :)
What I've been wearing is... WARM socks and sneekers, leg warmers or long underwear, jeans, a tank top or undershirt, long sleeved shirt, light sweater, fleece zip up (lightweight) jacket, and my "Florida" leather jacket (and of course underclothes that need not be mentioned ;) ).
I'm going to get a few heavier shirts for our next trip, and may see about borrowing back a pair of boots that I gave away thinking I'd never wear them again (which I wore for the entire first adoption). I'll also get a heavier sweater. I plan to stick to the layers, though, even though I have a big heavy winter leather jacket. With the big jacket it was really hard for me to also manage the kids!
I packed 2 pr of jeans and a pr of dressy/casual pants. I don't think we'll need dress pants at all for the 2nd trip, so I plan to leave those home. 2 pr of jeans, worn a day or two while the other pair is washing and drying (crunchy jeans... yep!) will work. I brought 5 shirts this time and still feel like I'm constantly doing laundry, but it has worked out ok to have 2-3 washing along with the jeans each time. Undergarments I always pack extra-- don't want to rewear underwear and socks (ick...). I also have a scarf, warm hat, and warm gloves. I've only worn the warm hat once because I discovered it was washed and now squeezes my head :). And I haven't worn the scarf yet but today is the first day that we hit 0. I've worn lightweight knit gloves many days already and my regular warm gloves a few times as well. Both are handy to have (and I have an extra pr of light knit ones if you need them!).
Let's see... one pr of shoes is fine, bring a few books for down-time on the planes and sitting around. If you have any movies you'd like to bring, we can digitize them and put them on the laptop to watch-- if Mike has time to do that for us. I have several on here already that we haven't watched this trip as well.
I'll have the little laptop which you are welcome to use also, but it is multi-function as the movie-player, email and blogging, and of course all the 'extra' stuff we've been working on while here in UA too. It has a good 6-8 hours of use on battery even, so it's been very useful!
We'll pack some food items to make life a little easier, especially when we first arrive, but in general we can shop here and get food out if necessary. Candies or snacks we've munched on but again, a lot is available here.
We'll be bringing 2 lightweight strollers back with us for the kids along with some entertainment and clothes for the kids. I've also offered the family that we're staying with to bring some books and pantry items (like dryer sheets and french onion soup powder) that they can't get here. We have suitcases which you are welcome to use if you'd like to- generally duffel style work better (with wheels for the airports, but you have to be able to carry it too because there are stairs and cobblestone everywhere...) because they squish some to fit into taxi's and such. When there are 2 kids to push in strollers we'll still have to manage the luggage...
Doesn't that sound fun?! :)
Some things like toothpaste and shampoo I will be leaving here (along with some of my clothes) so that I don't have to haul them home and back again, and if we need more than that we can purchase it here. Bring your basic toiletries (unless you've got a specific shampoo you like) and if you bring any liquids, put them inside of TWO gallon size ziplock bags. Bag it once, zip it, and bag it again. Otherwise you'll spend an hour trying to get shampoo out of your shirts :). Plane pressure pops open a lot of things! You might even squeeze the bottle just a little then close the top so it's not as pressurized.
Bring a bag or purse that you're comfortable carrying everywhere so that you can keep your passport and some money on you at all times, and maybe large enough to fit a book. I picked up a canvas type purse for $12 at WalMart before coming in September and it goes over my head and arm (for safety and it also doesn't slip off as I deal with the kids). It holds my computer and a book, my wallet and cell phone and all kinds of other supplies depending on how full I want to pack it. I even throw a drink in it some days and keep my photo album and a pad of paper in it "just in case" as well as a little snack since we're never sure when we won't have a meal here or there...
I brought a backpack as well, and during international travel that has been very handy. Depending on the flight I could have whatever I needed on hand, and we have an extra backpack that's identical to mine if you'd like to use that as well. We bought them for our first UA trip in 2008 and have used it as a diaper bag and carry-all for the last 3 years and now again on this trip. It works great and was really helpful to have it with all the kids' food and diapers and clothes in it when bringing E and M home. My dad borrowed Mike's when he flew back to UA to help me come home and brought his one change of clothes and a book in it. He was only in UA for about 36 hours and that's all he brought :).
Let's see... Not too much else I can think of... We'll have a lot of hurry up and wait while we're here, and once we get custody of the kids it will be pretty busy :). I plan to bring one of my "kid tents" (pea pod) with us and we'll see who ends up in it. Either of the kids will fit, but my thought is that Aleksa is used to sleeping in a bed (and will be safe not to roll out, and likely knows to STAY in her bed) whereas Wesley may be in a crib still and may be more comfortable for us ALL to get some sleep if he's in a contained area. I remember trying to sleep with Emma and Micah sharing my bed... I DIDN'T! I was too afraid E was going to fall out of bed and die :D. (YES, seriously!)
So all that to say... I'll have some things for you to 'carry' over for the kids, in order to keep us at only 2 checked bags (have to pay $50 to bring a 3rd bag!) and the two strollers. We can each have a backpack and purse as well. Since I'm leaving some things here, I'll have an extra bag, possibly, when we come home (and we can put souvenirs in it also). At that point we'll have 4 tickets and could check 4 bags (but don't want to HAUL 4!) so it will work out without extra fees.
WHEW. Are you ready?? I'm hoping to leave on Saturday, the 11th, we'd land in UA on the 12th, and then the 13th we hit the ground running to obtain all the necessary paperwork. In an ideal world, we'll fly back on the 23rd... In reality it is more likely to be the 30th or 31st when we fly (we'll land the same day in the USA because of the 7 hour time difference). IF I have to be present to pick up a piece of paper on Friday, the 10th, then it's possible that we'd need to leave as early as the 8th. I hope to find that out by Monday.
Did I mention to you that Aleksa likes to "flop and drop" and yell "NOoooooooooo" and try to run away? Or that Wesley is still scared of us and cries when he hears other people walking around and understands enough to know things "aren't normal" but doesn't quite understand why we're there or who we are? Yep, it's going to be an adventure. I'm SO GLAD to be able to share it with you and especially, to have your EXPERIENCED and PATIENT and LOVING help with our kids!!!
I can't wait to get home and see the kids,
Our Kids’ Thanksgiving
For those who don’t know our kids very well yet, Emma is in the long bright flowered dress (and wears glasses, shorter hair). Brianna has a ponytail and a pink dress (well.. ALL the girls are…). Lynae of course is the littlest girl who is… WALKING!
Kristopher is the goof with a Velveeta box on his head. Micah is wearing a green polo in most of the pictures, but has a white-striped shirt on in at least one picture. James is wearing a red striped polo. He’s still in a highchair so it’s harder to see him at the table (Lynae too, the other kids are in regular seats or boosters).
And… all the decorations were made by the kids and my mom maybe??) at school and at home and proudly displayed :) They also put our new dining room table to good use, serving at least 11! I understand that they were having another couple of people for Thanksgiving dinner but they’re not in the pictures so I’m not sure if they ended up coming or not.
(yes, this makes me miss the kids even more… but today is our LAST Saturday before we’ll see the kids :) Next Friday night we’ll get home after the kids are in bed and will wake up to them on Saturday morning!)
Wesley's sizing
Here's Wesley's current measurements (roughly...)
His seated height is 19", and about 18/19" heel to hip. That makes him about 37/38" tall
His inseam was 11", his foot 6", and his arm length (shoulder to wrist) was 12". Shoulder to bottom (seated) was 12".
His waist (over a few layers) was about 16" and his chest about 20" (over a sweatshirt).
All of these could be off by an inch or several inches... we're really not sure because it's hard to measure a wiggly kid :) But those are close enough for us to be able to make sure we bring back clothes that are at least close to what will fit him! :)
If anyone happens to have some size estimates, that would be great! I'm still thinking that a size 4 would be roughly the right size, though his pants will fall off :) One of the shirts he was wearing was a size 18 months, but it wasn't exactly fitting him very well...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Pictures of Wesley
In really no particular order… Here are pic’s of Mike, Wesley, and I from the last 2 visits with Wesley. His stroller that he seems to spend most of his day in is in the pictures too. It looks similar to a Maclaren, but it’s a Ukrainian brand and made a bit differently…
Sorry some are blurry… Wesley doesn’t like the flash, so when he starts getting aggravated we’ve been turning off the flash so we still have SOME pictures…