Thursday, November 11, 2010

Love this

I stole it from Lyndi, who stole it from Becky (no idea who that is...)

Natural Child: Any child who is not artificial. 

Real Parent: Any parent who is not imaginary. 

Your Own Child: Any child who is not someone else's child. 

Adopted Child: A natural child, with a real parent, who is all my own. 

~ November is Adoption Awareness Month!!! :)


  1. I LOVE this....I'm stealing it to put on FB!

  2. You are amazing! God bless you! i will be storming Heaven that all goes smoothly for you and that you get your little girl as well!! I still remember the Doctor's tears as she begged me for a family for Wesley and THERE YOU ARE!! God is so wonderful!!! How could people not believe!!!???

  3. I will be storming Heaven for you! You are amazing!!! I still remember the Doctor's tears as she begged me to find a home for Wesley! And now you are there!! God Bless you!!
