Monday, November 10, 2008

Christmas Ideas anyone?

I have a few ideas for Christmas but I'd love to hear what others can think of for our kiddos. We don't do a huge Christmas from Mike & I but that in addition to things from Grandma and Grandpa, Grandmommy and Grandaddy, and then of course a thing or two from Santa... it still ends up being a LOT. Then of course we have Brianna's birthday a week later, mine in the end of January, and Emma and Kristopher's are 5 days apart in February (E's birthday was my duedate with K, just a year earlier ;) ).

So... any thoughts?


  1. Do you have a dollar version of Poundland? lol! We usually get something for her that is what she currently loves. Last year it was a Tickle Me Elmo, Big Bird and a snoring Ernie. We'd just bought some dvds of Sesame Street from the USA on ebay and she loved them! Her birthday she got the TMX Cookie Monster which is her current love! I don't even know what to do for this year, I can't really get her another Cookie!


  2. Meredith, I don't know how much B like this (I think she is William's age thought), but ever since halloween william has wanted his costume on alomost every day. I just went to Target and some other storse with costumes and they are 75% off right now. I got $20+ costurmes for $ gifts. I got William a monkey, doctor and a penguin costume...there wasn't much else in his size

  3. I'm making all of the girls new comforters for their bedroom.

  4. I don't know if you've ever checked out Beyond Play - - but they have a lot of therapy toys that are also fun for kids. Our OT always suggests fun stuff for Aidan from that catalog.

  5. On Chinaberry, there are a couple of things we are getting. (Like you, we go light) My First Compass and BeeHive Sew n Sew. They have a great selection of books too.


  6. I know I already commented. I dont know how much you want to spend but in Oct. one of my posts was about the downicreation dolls. check it out there are babies made with the exact features of children with DS, they are just to cute, I don't think they are cheap though.

    Another idea...much cheaper too. William has great flash cards with the textures, I can't remember the brand name but if you are interested let me know and I can get it quick for you. There are 5 boxes but you buy them separate ... farm, colors, numbers, everyday words, food. THey have been great for william to learn his signing and the girls really enjoy "teaching" him too.

    Of course Signing time videos are wonderful too but I think I have read that you have them.

  7. you could try shooting for "clutter-free" gifts like gift certificates to special playplaces, or for special classes (i.e. music, art, etc), or to paint your own pottery, or classes like swimming, etc.
