I just learned of this fun thing going on. Chandos from Little Miss E is making a T21 Afghan to send around the country to different families who have loved ones with T21 (Down Syndrome). The Afghan will be traveling with a journal, and there will be a blog page for pictures with the Afghan as it makes its way from family to family.I second those sentiments about the community of people surrounding our family that have family members themselves with Ds.
You know, when you first learn your child has Down Syndrome you quickly find out that you have just joined the most amazing family of families. Every parent I've talked to who also has a child with Down Syndrome has been so wonderful, supportive, interested in our Charlie. I think the T21 Afghan project will be a neat symbol of that extended family.
To learn more about the T21 Traveling Afghan, click on the button below.

What a wonderful way to bring families following the same path, closer together.