Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Slacking on the blog

but keeping up with life!!

And that's really the important part, isn't it?

A few days ago our visitor got a little runny nose and it stuck around for 2 days but he was active and fine, no fever and away it went.

Yesterday Brianna woke at 5am and had a runny nose and low grade fever all day. This was after I'd gotten to bed around 1am because of other kids. I WAS TIRED! :) Today the kids started waking at 6 (still early!) and Mike got up with them until 6:45 when I rolled out of bed. Brianna stayed home yesterday and today and will be going to the doctor tomorrow. Tonight she has evidence of an ear infection. I should have realized that with the low-grade fever but... didn't even cross my mind. She has tubes (or did at least- I hope she still has them in!) so ear infections are rather 'obvious'. They usually cause some drainage early on. But it also means you can't use OTC ear drops for pain... she'll need the ones that are safe for tubes. I'll be calling in the morning.

Mike took K and M to school on Tuesday so I didn't have to get everyone up and going in the morning... though they all were up and going until Brianna threw up mucus... Poor thing. Wednesday I called Bria's school to let them know she wouldn't be there and I also canceled Emma's school therapies. I think we all needed a good day at home and we only ventured out to pick up the kids at lunch time both yesterday and today.

Tomorrow looks like we'll be canceling Emma's PT session if we can't get in to the doctor's office early. Now to call mom to see if she'll keep Emma so I don't have to bring all 3 kids with me to the doctor... :)

1 comment:

  1. M- I love the photo collages on the side bars! Very clever and wonderful to look at!

    Hope you all are feeling up to snuff soon! (wonder what that means, anyway, up to snuff??)

