Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Oh my

Legally, the best way to disqualify a child from being able to go to an inclusive classroom is to write the IEP in a way that it cannot be reasonably executed in an inclusive environment.  Include the words "very small group" (meaning 1:3 ratio) a lot.  That justifies a self-contained classroom.

In case you were wondering...


  1. How do they prove that a child needs that low of a ration? Wouldn't they have to try a higher ratio to first rule out that the higher would work? Gotta love schools and their agenda aka saving money!

  2. Thanks... I don't think I am for mainstreaming... IEP coming up soon.

  3. Counter: Why cannot this ratio be accomplished in a regular classroom? Bring the teacher in!

  4. Why on earth couldn't s/he work in a small group in the main classroom?

  5. NOT! The ESE teacher can PUSH IN for very small group! Annie has that everyday and because she is the only child in the classroom with an IEP, her very small group is just her and the ESE teacher. :)
