Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Well, isn't that sweet? Hmm...

It appears we have a new route of traffic to this blog... It's from a blog that I won't be linking over to, but which listed this post: as a "blog gag me" post.  A listing of 10 blogs (this time... it's an ongoing series to my understanding) that they say they list because "readers have sent us (and we have happened upon) so many adoption blogs and blog entries that are offensive, dangerous set-ups for the children, unethical, illegal and/or crazy.".

It's interesting to me that they point out that we're 30, are about to be parents of 9 and some of our kids have special needs, and we are homeschooling.  They also point out an association with an organization we're no longer associated with, but I guess they have most of their facts straight anyway.

What strikes me as comical is that that's all they have to say about our family.  Maybe by reading that people would assume it "shouldn't work" and because of those things we're to be criticized?

Regardless, I went to the site, read what they had to say about us (leaving most of the rest of the site untouched...) and posted this comment on their post:

Someone sent me this link saying I should be outraged that my blog is being 'smacked' on. Quite honestly, I don't care :). My blog, Cornish Adoption Journey, tells about our life for friends. Yes, we're expecting a new baby, yep, we have a big family, and yes, we're young :). We do homeschool some of our children who have no 'place' in the school system... (which we did try, and I wish it worked because, well, wouldn't that make life easier?). Unfortunately, some of your facts are wrong because I'm no longer associated at all with the organization you have attached to my blog. And I'd say there's one other thing missing, which by the way this blog is intended to be rude and "bashing" people I think is probably another strike against us in this type of blog, however for us it's a big positive in our lives. We follow God's calling in everything we do, and He is faithful. That doesn't mean that we go blindly in to things or adopt with the expectation that "God will do it even when we can't." However it means that we don't jump on to a bandwagon as we have seen many times without not only a lot of thought and prayer but also time considering exactly how it would work. Our children are all healthy, happy, are doing well physically and are developing at a good pace considering their challenges. They are well socialized, are cared for medically, and most importantly of all, they are well loved, have plenty of attention and have the love of a family and the support of a church, community, and extended family! We are so blessed to be able to be 30 year old parents of 9 children, many with special needs! Oh, and that bachelor's degree I have in education certainly helps out in the way of homeschooling my children :). I haven't checked out this blog past this post that was emailed to me by "concerned friends" that were so upset we were listed, however I thought I'd at least give you the rest of the story! I'm sure the rest of our family story is most likely just more to be 'cracked' on, but one of the parts of doing something that's outside of the social norms because you feel called to do it (and if I may say.. do it well!), we expect to have people question our ability to do what we do. If we weren't doing it every day, we might question someone else in their ability to do it as well! Thankfully, we also know other families that are successfully raising large special needs adoptive families and when we continue to trust and lean on God, we really can do it! Phil 4:13... James 1:27... Jer 29:11... those are all pretty good places to start in understanding us. But if those don't mean anything to you, then it's likely our family and our lives and our reasons for doing what we do will be taken in the same way. I hope you'll soon see the Blessings of adoption, rather than passing judgment on those of us that are living it all :)  

If you're here linked over from the other post, welcome :).  I hope you had a chance to read my comment on the other blog, however wanted to repost it here in case it may have been missed.

Blogging is our way of sharing our family with our friends (and strangers LOL) that want updates on what's going on with all of us.  It's also been a wonderful resource to us because we can ask questions here and often have a wide array of answers from people who have experience in areas we don't!  We expect people not to 'get' us until they know us.  But that doesn't change who we are, what we do, or why we do it!  :)


  1. These blogs are also important for families like myself who are considering adopting children with special needs from EE. It helps families connect (you and I corresponded via email re: DS/FAS kids and your knowledge was greatly appreciated!). I also had God direct me to this journey and in addition to medical, educational, and community resources and information that I sought to help make the best decision, I needed "real life" people to tell me about their experiences. Readers should all understand that every child is different, every family is different, and every adoption journey is different. Just because it works for one family doesn't mean it will for all. But who better to offer support and guidance than those who are actually living it. Love your family, your blog, your children, and your willingness to chase God's calling!!!

  2. you handled that so gracefully.

    1. Agreed!! With so much so called "tolerance" and "acceptance" in our modern times, there is still so much hate and prejudiced views toward those who are different. Why people spend so much of their energy and time to criticize those who are different, or who do things differently, is beyond me. Life is too short. Would you rather make a difference (like your family) or criticize those who are making a difference? You really handled that gracefully. That speaks volumes of your character!

  3. I agree with Dee, it was through reading the blogs of families like yours that we were encouraged to step out and adopt, and now there are 5 less orphans in the world. I'm not sure what their motivation is in trying to twist special needs adoption into something ugly. You don't need me to tell you that you're a great mom, and a great source of encouragement and info - but you are :) Let them hate all they want, your response to them was dead on.

  4. I saw that post. It's ridiculous! I'm glad that you are letting it roll off your back! They obviously have some serious issues and are unhappy people! You rock on! I come to this blog everyday b/c i feel so inspired by reading about you and your family. We are adopting and i find much encouragement here! Keep strong!

  5. Why are you so reluctant to be associated with RR? If there is something shady going on there, you should alert your readers.

  6. Haters gonna hate. I wouldn't give it second thought.

  7. I wonder why such people have so much time on their hands? Oh, wait-it's because they are doing NOTHING personally for the 1.63 million orphans world wide, have guilt and feel the need to sooth themselves by bashing those who do.
    Liked your comment and reply. Life is too short to worry about what others say can't be done when you are already doing it LOL!

  8. We find so much encouragement, ideas and just plain love here. Some people will never understand.

  9. Amazing what morons these critics are. If they were to put their money where there mouth is, and go and visit an institution in Eastern Europe, they would some right to comment. Until then they really should be ignored.

  10. Loved your response. It's sad to me that the only thing some people can seem to find the time to do is criticize others. I am amazed at your family! You are an inspiration!

  11. Hi, I'm a stranger who reads your blog regularly and I'd like to say that to me you come across as a committed family with a lot of love and faith to share. A bit mad? Well we all are in our own ways and IMHO there are far worse ways for madness to manifest itself than having a large family of children who you care for.

  12. Hello, I am also a stranger who reads your blog regularly. I came across it somehow, as I read a bunch of other family blogs, many of them being rather large families, dealing with issues of special needs, adoption, and homeschooling. Many of the families on these blogs are Christian, an identification I do not share. I am, however, moved by these families', including yours, compassion and commitment. Your decisions are, of course, not right for everyone, but it is clear, even if I don't know everything about you, that you believe they are right for you. I think that whether you believe in a higher power, or a natural order of things, that ultimately things go a particular way for a reason. Your path may be "unconventional," but it is your path, and I think you are following it elegantly. I am sorry that I am rambling, but I just wanted to voice my support. I may not always agree with all of the beliefs everyone expresses, that would be impossible, but I do think that we can learn from people respectfully, where we differ and are similar.
