Friday, March 19, 2010

Good good good!

So much good stuff...

  • I'm starting to feel better.
  • Lynae is starting to feel better.
  • We finished the 'classes' for the MAPP and next week is the graduation!
  • We have a confirmed date to get the description of our matched child.
  • We are working on a date to MEET our future son :)
  • I got a wonderful surprise in my email last night that made my day-- week rather... Ok, several months, I admit it!
  • The dynamic in our home continues to be wonderful with our visitor and all the kids and we are very happy about that.
  • Michael starts softball season tonight with a double header and the weather is BEAUTIFUL for it!
  • Lynae found a pacifier on her exersaucer tray last night and picked it up and popped it right in her mouth. Maybe not big to you- but wonderful to me! :)
  • Micah is doing great in school and we are very pleased that his aide has been hired for the remainder of the school year! She has to take a week off to 'renew' her contract to stay and much thought and consideration was put into the substitutes for her time off. We are SO glad to have each of the people that will fill her shoes during that time :) One happy Momma!
  • Kristopher is loving soccer and having something that's his. Even if I did forget that he had practice last night until his grandma showed up to take him. It's good that 6 yr olds are so forgiving (and don't mind eating hotdogs in the car on the way to practice!).
  • This week I attended an IEP that I think showed great potential and an educational team really looking out for the best interest in not just an IEP plan but a future. I was so impressed to see the team come together in that way. I'm very glad I had the opportunity to be a fly on the wall for it! Thank you M for inviting me!!
  • Today I sat down and wrote out the many ways which E's teacher has provided a level of excellence above and beyond our expectations and has helped Emma to meet goals which some healthcare professionals have said she would never achieve. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to speak so highly of a teacher and that Emma can experience that level of commitment and knowledge at school!
  • Brianna just went MIA since I started this email and I'm 99% sure that she has opened the playdough bag (not the containers- sometimes weak OT skills is a blessing) and has dumped at least 2 puzzles.
  • I managed to RUN OUT of diapers for Emma and had to steal from the diaper bag to diaper her yesterday and this morning. Time for a Wal-Mart trip!
  • Today I bought 7 gallons of milk and hope to not have to shop for milk for a week. I'm sure something else will come up and I'll have to go to the store (esp. for our trip) but at least it won't be for milk! Or diapers :D
  • I booked a hotel today for a trip to Tampa during Spring Break!
  • I found a young lady to go with us to Tampa and give us an extra hand with the little ones :) Such a blessing as long as we can figure a way to fit everyone and everything in the car (never thought that would be a problem with our big car but... 9 people a triple stroller, 2 wheelchairs, a few pack 'n plays, and luggage for everyone... might be difficult!)
  • Mike had his first softball game tonight and lost by 1 run, quickly followed by his second game of the season where his team won by slaughter rule. It was great to be back at the ball field and to see the other families from church.
  • Micah is a little lovey thing and wanted nothing more than to be held and keep putting his cheek up to me to get kisses at the ballfield!
  • Emma wanted to stand- ALONE. She did not want anyone to touch her or help her, and she did great for a long time. She also sat on the bottom bleacher step (not the bench, but actually using the bench like a table in front of her) and watched the majority of the first ball game that way!
  • N and I took the 3 little ones to the park between dropping of K and E at school and when N's school started and Brianna just about froze! She does NOT like being cold!
  • N has really stepped up and gotten more comfortable with the kids. He'll now scoop any one of them up and have them sit with him or wipe noses, hold their hand to walk (which is a bit tricky with his crutches but he's figured it out!) and try to anticipate their needs.
  • I talked to two of my brothers in one day which never happens. One has a lawn business and is going to take on our lawn for the spring and summer. The other plays guitar and agreed to teach N a little to see if he likes it. I look forward to seeing them (and my sister in law) more frequently!
  • I think when we sit back and look at all the good things it helps to put life into perspective and it's much needed sometimes... especially after a week of being under the weather :)


  1. I still dont know how you do it girl!!

  2. Meredith,
    you are simply amazing. :D

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