Monday, May 24, 2010

Picture Catch-up!

There are pictures posted on MyNormalFamily too! :)

From Busch Gardens, Tampa!

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The “Very Special Arts Festival” at Brevard Zoo!

2010-04-15 12.53.49 2010-04-15 10.32.12 2010-04-15 10.32.29 2010-04-15 12.51.44 2010-04-15 12.52.10 2010-04-15 12.52.27 2010-04-15 12.52.40 2010-04-15 12.52.50 2010-04-15 12.52.50_edit0

A day relaxing outside

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Kristopher’s soccer awards and picnic last weekend (Brianna’s soft cast is on)


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Emma’s award ceremony!  She’s now a first grader! (pic’s are with her teacher and her PT at school)


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Kristopher’s award ceremony and Kindergarten Graduation

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Brianna and Micah’s last day of Pre-k (for the year anyway…) pool party!  (pictured are their main teacher and then Micah’s aide with him


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  1. Thanks for the new pics - I always enjoy seeing your family. If you could, please update us on James. I understand that it must be non-identifying info, but if you can let us know how he is doing, how the adoption is coming along, etc.? Thanks!

  2. I just cannot get over how grown up Emma is! Amazing how far she's come! :o)

  3. Wonderful! Congrats on a GREAT school year, kids and Parents!!! Can't wait for next year!! :)
    T. G.

  4. everyone looks great, can you believe Emma and K are in 1st grade? of course not what parent ever believes their baby is growing up? Precious, thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh, wow, I just love seeing how beautifully your family is growing! Emma looks like she's doing great (I always tell people the story of her "unfixable" heart - so inspiring!), and Brianna is just gorgeous!!! You guys are really amazing parents. I have no idea how you find time to blog, though. Good for you!!
