Friday, May 07, 2010

He's out

Looks like Micah probably has Celiac and maybe H. Pilori??  Will know more probably on Tuesday... and a little more about our day later too  :)


  1. He's been on my mind and in my prayers all day. Thanks for letting us know. Mom

  2. My daughter has BOTH!! ugh.... I hope he doesn''t!! The H-pylori is an easy one to treat. Praying for good results.

  3. If you want any ideas and recipes and things for Coeliac I have a few things.

    Do I win any prizes for guessing correctly? :P

  4. Bless him. I am glad you finally (almost) know something!

  5. I just want to encourage you in...I have been eating gluten free for 3 years and at first it seems really hard but once you get the hang of it it is not so bad. There are many snacks that are gluten free and you can pretty much make any recipe gf.

  6. We have been praying for Micah. He has been thru so much and a definate diagnosis will be helpful. Much love to your family!
